Social Media
Website performance quiz
It’s not always easy to determine how your website is performing. This is especially difficult if you don’t know what questions to ask yourself. We thought it would be nice to build an interactive quiz to help you understand which questions you should be asking yourself. Go ahead and take this quick 10 question quiz…
Read MoreFacebook ads don’t have to be scary
Facebook ads don’t have to be scary. In fact, they are one of the most user-friendly advertising strategies you can implement. As a small business owner, it is hard to decide where to spend your advertising dollars. This guide will provide some much-needed information to make better decisions. Image vs Video? It really depends on…
Read MoreSocial Media Cheat Sheet
Social Media isn’t going away anytime soon. Facebook is still the most popular social media platform. 72% of adults online have a Facebook vs 32% on Instagram, 31% on Pinterest, 29% on Linkedin, 24% on Twitter. *Note 86% of Americans are currently internet users. A survey conducted March 7 – April 4, 2016, PEW research…
Read MoreAre You Using Banned Hashtags!
After we finished our Instagram challenge, I’ve started doing some research on Hashtags. Specifically soft-banned and fully banned. You would be surprised to see some innocuous words on the banned list. #Kansas, #desk, #lean, #easter, #like, #popular, #thought, #todayimwearing and so on. I totally get why some would be banned, topics like self-harm, eating disorders.…
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